Baltic conference on song and dance celebrations


November 22 in Tallinn

Tallinn, Estonia, Hotel Hestia Europa

WORKING LANGUAGES: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian

The inclusion of the song and dance festival tradition of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list reflects the shared desire of the three countries to preserve, value, and share this tradition with the world. Since 2003, the joint committee of the Baltic States, which includes organizers of the festivals, field experts, and representatives of the organizations responsible for maintaining the tradition, has been overseeing its development. At the initiative of the committee, conferences addressing different aspects of the song and dance festivals have been alternately held in all three countries.

This year, Estonia is once again pleased to host colleagues from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in Tallinn to discuss pressing topics:

  • The cornerstone of the song and dance festival tradition: the situation of group leaders. The average age is steadily increasing, and motivating working conditions are developing slowly. What are the solutions?
  • In Latvia, the song festival grounds and also the dance grounds have been successfully modernized. What is the impact of this on the movement, and what should be done in the near future in Estonia and Lithuania?

Experts from the field in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will deliver presentations at the conference. Simultaneous translation into the native languages will be provided.

10.00 – 10.10 Words of welcome Märt Volmer Undersecretary for Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture
First session 10.10 – 11.20
Key factors to guarantee sustainability of the Song and Dance Celebration (SDC) process
What is the situation today? What should be done today to ensure that the tradition continues?
10.10 – 10.35

Opening presentation from Estonian perspective

Margus Toomla Member of the Board of the Estonian Song and Dance Festival Foundation
10.35 – 10.50 Latvian perspective Signe Pujāte Director , Latvian National Centre for Culture
Sarmīte Pāvulēna Head of the Department of Preservation and Development of the Song and Dance Celebration, Latvian National Centre for Culture
Agra Bērziņa Head of the Department of Cooperation Support,  National Centre for Education
10.50 – 11.05 Lithuanian perspective  Ieva Krivickaitė Head of the Department of Regional Culture, Lithuanian National Culture Centre, Communication Coordinator of the 2024 Lithuanian Song Celebration
11.05 – 11.20 Reflections from the audience. Speakers will remain on stage.  Moderator
Sten Weidebaum Communications Manager of Estonian Song and Dance Festival Foundation 
II session 11.35 – 12.50
“Future perspective of conductors and dance group leaders – education, professional training, age, remuneration, motivation”
Where are we today? What should be done today for the benefit of the future?  Viewpoint of conductors/ dance group leaders.
11.35 – 12.00 Opening presentation from Lithuanian perspective Linas Balandis Artistic Director of the male choir “Kariūnas” of the Military Academy of Lithuania, Head of the Šiauliai State Chamber choir „Polifonija“, lecturer at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Živilė Adomaitienė Specialist of Choreography, Lithuanian National Culture Centre,  chief coordinator of the artistic part of the Dance Day of the 2024 Lithuanian Song Festival
12.00 – 12.15 Estonian perspective Ingrid Mänd Chairperson of the Board of the Estonian Choral Conductors’ Association
Karel Johannes Vähi Director of the Estonian Folk Dance and Folk Music Society
12.15 – 12.30 Latvian perspective Jānis Purviņš Art D, Chief-Choreographer of the Latvian Song and Dance Celebration, artistic director of the folk dance ensemble “Līgo”
Jānis Baltiņš Chief-Conductor of the Latvian Song and Dance Celebration, Director of choir conducting department at the Jāzeps Vītols Academy of Music
12.30 – 12.45 Reflections from the audience. Speakers will remain on stage   Moderator
Saulius Liausa Director of the Lithuanian National Culture Centre, Director of the 2024 Lithuanian Song Celebration
13.40 – 13.45 Invigorating stretch break Agne Kurrikoff-Herman Choreographer and dance producer of the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration Foundation
III session 13.45 – 15.00
What kind of venue do we need for celebrations? Recent developments and plans for the future
How to afford venues that are used four times in a decade?  
13.45 – 14.10 Opening presentation from Latvian perspective Zanda Mūrniece Latvian folk dance expert, Latvian National Centre for Culture
Lauris Goss Choir and vocal ensemble expert, Latvian National Centre for Culture
14.10 – 14.25 Eesti vaatenurk Hanna-Liisa Mõtus Architectural firm 3+1 arhitektid
14.25 – 14.40 Leedu vaatenurk Saulius Liausa Director of the Lithuanian National Culture Centre, Director of the 2024 Lithuanian Song Celebration
14.40 – 14.55 Peegeldused saalist Moderator
Ints Teterovskis Chief-Conductor of the Latvian Song and Dance Celebration, Artistic director of the youth choir “Balsis”, Vice-chairman of the Council of the Song and Dance Celebration, Chairman of the NGO “Song and Dance Celebration society”
IV session 15.05 – 16.15
Future perspective of singers and dancers – motivation, availability and accessibility of choral singing and folk dancing, age, obstacles to participation in the process
Who are you, participant?
What is your profile and motivation? How would you describe your role in the whole SDC process?  Are you practicing just to attend the big celebrations or are smaller concerts your thing as well? What kind of repertoire you prefer in between celebrations? Are you a pawn in the big game or can you impact the development of SDC process?  Is it important for you to be a part of a group/choir with high artistic level?
15.05 – 15.30 Opening presentation from Latvia that covers all three countries based on previous research Professor Anda Lake Latvian Academy of Culture

15.30 – 16.00 Panel discussion (LV/LT/EE) Valerija Skapienė Director  of the Vilnius Children Music School „Ugnelė“, Head of the Choir „Sonorus“
Jolanta Tendienė Director of the Mažeikiai Choreography school, Artistic Director of the Children’s and Youth Dance Studio “Kauskutis”
Aira Birziņa Chief-Conductor of the Latvian Song and Dance Celebration, Professor of choir conducting at the Jāzeps Vītols Academy of Music
Dagmāra Bārbale Chief-Choreographer of the Latvian Song and Dance Celebration, artistic director of the folk dance ensemble “Vektors”
Hirvo Surva Conductor of Song Celebrations, Chairman of the Estonian Choral Society, member of the Board of the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration Foundation, leading professor of choral conducting at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, artistic director and principal conductor of the Estonian National Opera’s Boys’ Choir
Kadri Tiis Chairperson of the Estonian Folk Dance and Folk Music Society
16.00 – 16.20 Peegeldused saalist Moderaator
Andis Groza Deputy director of the Latvian National Centre for Culture
V session 16.40 – 17.30
Let’s be inspired by each other! 
Presentation of the best recent examples that contribute to the sustainability of the SDC process. 
16.40 –16.50 Lithuania (video presentation) Ieva Krivickaitė Head of the Department of Regional Culture, Lithuanian National Culture Centre, Communication Coordinator of the 2024 Lithuanian Song Celebration
16.50 –17.00 Latvia Jurģis Spulenieks Amateur-theatre expert, Latvian National Centre for Culture
17.00 –17.10 Estonia Aarne Saluveer Conductor of Song Celebrations, former Chairman of the Estonian Choral Society, member of the World Choral Games Council, music educator, founder and principal conductor of the Estonian TV’s Children’s and Girls’ Choir
17.10 – 17.30 Adoption of the conference resolution and wrap up