
Theses of Lithuanian speakers

Key factors to guarantee sustainability of the SDC process (Ieva Krivickaite)

  • The key stakeholders in the SDC process in Lithuania are amateur art groups, government, and society; they all contributed significantly to its sustainability this past cycle
  • Lithuanian Song Celebration had its 100th anniversary this year, which was met with strong support
  • In preparation for the anniversary, the Song Celebration law was expanded with a number of by-laws
  • One of the main factors to the success of this year’s Celebration was successful partnerships on national and municipal levels
  • One of the main outcomes of this year’s success is significantly improved status of the Celebration in the Lithuanian society
  • The challenge going forward is maintaining the momentum with no anniversaries to tie the following Celebration to
  • Contrary to predictions, the pandemic did not have a negative effect on the SDC process in Lithuania

Motivating young choir conductors in Lithuania: present and future (Linas Balandis)

The topic of the presentation focuses on the motivation of young choir conductors in order to ensure the continuity of their quality activities.

The theme will be spread over two layers:

  • The current good examples in Lithuania will be reviewed and presented (SDC 2024, National Youth Choir, Young Conductors Development Programme, etc.), projects initiated by the Šiauliai State Choir “Polifonija” (Masterclasses for young choir conductors, Study Tour Programme, etc.);
  • Hypothetical presentation of future possibilities, including inter-institutional cooperation between Lithuania and the Baltic States.

Professional training of managers of dance groups in Lithuania (Živilė Adomaitienė)

The report will discuss the current situation, problems and future perspectives of dance troupe managers in light of:

  • the need for specialists for the existence and activities of dance groups, as well as for the processes of the dance part of song festivals and other related events;
  • the possibilities of systematic improvement of the qualifications of collective managers;
  • Program for the promotion of young developers.

What kind of venue do we need for celebrations? (Saulius Liausa)

  • In Lithuania, the venues do not belong to the organizer (Lithuanian National Culture Centre)
  • As the Celebration approached, maintenance work was provided by the owners, but no major reconstructions
  • The main venues in Vilnius are Vingio park stage where the Song Day takes place, Kalnu park stage where the Ensembles Evening takes place, and the Lithuanian Football Federation stadium where the Dance Day takes place
  • All venues have their own challenges, especially Dance Day, where the situation is extreme
  • An understanding of the need to reconstruct the Vingio park stage is forming
  • Kaunas Song Valley was reconstructed before this year’s anniversary (the first Song Celebration took place in Kaunas in 1924) and hosted the first event of this year’s program

Presentation of the best recent examples that contribute to the sustainability of the SDC process (Ieva Krivickaite video presentation)

  • Forest planting initiative supplemented the theme of this year’s Celebration (May the Green Forest Grow) and saw SDC participants planting trees in around 100 locations around the country, as well as around 100 symbolic oak trees planted to commemorate the 100 year anniversary
  • Song Celebration Tour around Lithuania served as a warm-up leading up to the Celebration and featured 11 events in various regions
  • United Lithuanian Children’s Choir prepared 800 students who had not been singing in choirs to join the Song Day
  • The Entire Lithuania Dances invites regular people experience traditional dancing in town squares
  • A team of neuroscientists performed a study on how music affects our wellbeing and involved SDC participants and audience members; the findings will be presented in May